Woman Ascendant
I’m looking at the long game, then telescoping it back to a particular watershed seminal (“ovarian”?) moment that happened in the immediate wake of the U.S. 2016 presidential election, worldwide, when womanhood arose in their millions, proudly donned absurd hats and the reductive sexual slur, “pussy,” and marched. One result was the U.S. 2018, historically feminine sweep of Democratic seats in Congress. U.S. domestic and international policy is going to be very, very different, never to return to the way it has been since the founding of the extremely young, historically sexist, masculinist, racist, religiously intolerant (ironically), problematic American republic. Another result was literally hundreds of men, some of them at the top of their field and immensely powerful, being brought to answer for their systematic abuse of and sexual violence against women.
Baby steps, with women stepping out in a significant way, in their numbers, inside of an inimical dominant ideology and hostile, reigning economic empire for the first time in roughly 2,500 years, warrant getting excited, precisely because these women are not hopelessly compromised by male identification or patriarchal (religious or other) indoctrination; they are not Theresa Mays or Margaret Thatchers. Political ‘party,’ a tiny limited concept, kneels before watershed paradigm shifts in the ‘ideology of gender’ (Whitney Chadwick, 1996), specifically the classical Aristotelian ideology of gender in force in the West and shored up by conventional religion, which are world changing.
We know that Trump and Trumpism can’t possibly last. Then, when he and his kleptocratic minions have been swept away in the feminist tsunami, all those new Democratic congresswomen will set about setting everything to rights and reasonableness and safety, reversing all the heinous policies and bullshit Trumpist Republican destruction, and we can compose ourselves to mourn the losses and damages already done to morale and the environment by this piece of shit and his disgusting posse, some of which can never be recovered, but can be re-dedicated to, committing conscious love, stewardship and protection from here on out, going forward with courage and resolve into the inevitable ecological apocalypse of Climate Change, embracing a renewed will to survive, but not at the expense of others who share the planet or its complex, intricate and exquisite systems, protecting the Earth and all of Her precious life.
Human, animal, vegetable, elemental and environmental life-systems will recover — changed but viable, renewed and beautiful — and future generations, across the spectrum of all of life, will once again thrive. New species and uncounted, unguessed at hybrids will emerge to fill the voids left by those lost. It is the nature of life to so do.