The New Earth
I had a vision on the way to an international shamanism conference some years ago, of a totally renewed Earth, in around 4,000 years, with a low human population in balance with the planet and her many, reviving life forms, once again covered with forest. The planetary thermostat had fixed itself. The importance of vast, expansive wild range was again understood by humans, for all species, including humans.
Human society was different than now, more similar to prehistoric periods: small, local subscriber-type polities in contact with all other polities and systems in recognition of the basic substratum of connectedness. No dominant ideology. Receptiveness. Responsiveness.
Various characters emerged — Tom Riddle the Rhymer (famed of Round Hill, which could never be found in the same place twice — you had to know the Way), a master poet and shaman, his apprentice Sabastien, who was two-souled, and Katuka, an elected Queen of Ceremonies who retained The Rhymer’s services for seasonal festivals in her purview, which was as close as anyone got to government…
I resolved not to come back ‘till then. The whole vision, which I told as a tale at the conference for dreaming, was triggered by the fantastical place names in Oregon on the way south to California along Highway 5: The Jelly Ferry, Jump-off-Joe-Bridge….
I knew then that we, our home, and the balance of life would survive, because our story’s not yet over. There are many more chapters. They are really interesting.