Sex With Demons Makes You Sick (Really?), Witches can impregnate you in your dreams (Wow!), and Hydroxychloroquine Makes You Well (Not!)
A Houston doctor who praises hydroxychloroquine and says that face masks aren’t necessary to stop transmission of the highly contagious coronavirus has become a star on the right-wing internet, garnering tens of millions of views on Facebook on Monday alone. Donald Trump Jr. declared the video of Stella Immanuel a “must watch,” while Donald Trump himself retweeted the video. (Yahoo News)
“The president is pushing the coronavirus theories of a Houston doctor who also says sexual visitations by demons and alien DNA are at the root of Americans’ common health concerns,” as most of you have already heard. “The licensed physician from Houston, Texas, is also reported to believe women can be impregnated by witches and demons in their dreams.” (Tom Gillespie, Sky News, 29 July 2020, UK.) The problem is that this exaggerated Christian craziness on the part of Dr. Stella Immanuel is is not uncommon, but quite the reverse, being a staple of Evangelical Christian theology. It also serves to point out, in this context, that the Catholic Church currently authorizes the use of the sacramental of exorcism for those who are believed to be the victims of demonic possession, and have conducted the violent ritual in the same format since the Church-sponsored Holy Inquisition and related Witch Hunt.
From the phenomenally misogynistic, Church-sponsored Malleus Maleficarum, authorized by Pope Innocent VIII in 1486, the ‘Witch Hunter’s Handbook’: “Everything is governed by carnal lusting, which is insatiable in them [women/witches] (next to the last chapter of Proverbs: There are three insatiable things … and a fourth that never says, “It is enough,” namely the opening of the womb) and for this reason they even cavort with demons to satisfy their lust. More evidence could be cited here, but for intelligent men it appears to be reasonably unsurprising that more women than men are found to be tainted with the Heresy of sorceresses. Hence, and consequently, it should be called the Heresy not of Sorcerers but of Sorceresses, to name it after the predominant element.” Heinrich Kramer (1486), Malleus Maleficarum, Part I, Qn VI.
Dr. Stella Immanuel is originally from Nigeria. In Nigeria, beyond sadly, Christian missionizing has had a deleterious effect on critical reasoning, even among professionals (if they happen to attend church), and ‘witches’ actually are persecuted, ‘exorcized’ and/or killed there, women and children and the most vulnerable for the most part, as always in Christian Witch Hunts and Inquisitions, of course. The Christian persecution of their own fears, delusions and phantoms (sex with demons!!!) in Nigeria has spawned the obscene phenomenon of “child witches” being accepted as a thing. So, this lady’s rationale as per sex with demons, aliens, witches, DNA experiments to defeat religiosity etc are beyond the beyond of Christian missionary crazy.
I know people who have personally been touched by this Christian atrocity, and their grief was terrible to see. I do so wish effing Christians would just pack it in and stay home, after paying reparations to their former European colonies and paying for mass counselling, that is.
The Church has so, so much to answer for. I am so sick of Christian horror-show crazy town.