Rebuttal, Revision and Reprise in Dealing with a Psychopathically Lying Leader
I primarily watch MSNBC, CBC, BBC, PBS and occasionally CNN for coverage on the pandemic, and they are going way beyond the call of duty in terms of reporting on and delivering primary information as to the science and government health agency responses. In their attempts to supplement the public’s needs for information and protection, they have doctors and scientists on there all the time giving blow by blow descriptions and accounts of what we need to know. The thing is, they’re usually doing it in rebuttal and revision of some dangerous, foolish and misleading canard Trump has said or got his minions to say, or to augment what Trump forbids his agencies to tell us for our protection.
There is no way to ignore what the President of the United States does or says. It has to be addressed and rebutted, blow by blow, down to the ground, until we exit the nightmare of his malignant reign — because it IS a reign, as toxic and as casually murderous — through depraved indifference, malpractice and malfeasance if not active kill orders — as that of Caligula or Putin. Here’s Dr. Gupta desperately trying to get some urgent safety information and health warnings out there to the public on every network, every news show he could get on over the past days, in the wake of Trump’s most recent bestial hydroxychloroquine-pushing stunt.
Thing is, he has to qualify everything he says in opposition to, and in the face of, what the POTUS has just said from the bully pulpit, victimizing millions who listen to him, and confusing everyone else, at the very least, if not terrifying them with exactly the free-floating anxiety most describe, that results from continually having the rug pulled out from under your feet by a psychopath in ultimate, world, political (and for many, moral and ideological) power. He must be actively countered, metaphorically, ‘in the air, on land, on the sea...,” to paraphrase Winston Churchill when dealing with a similar threat in an only slightly different dimension of reality.