Haha. You seem to be cognitively challeged. This is what Judeo-Christian civilization valorizes. This is why we dwell in universal, institutionalized Rape Culture. Reprehensible bullshit. Like Zeus — from proto-Indo-European ‘Dyēus Pitar’ (Father Sky-God), from which we get Latin ‘Dios Pater’ (‘God the Father), who goes around impregnating virgins by shapeshifting into other forms, in this case the Holy Ghost and/or The (divinely phallic) Word Made Flesh (Ew!).
In the basal Greco-Roman- religion of the Roman Empire, Zeus/Jupiter raped tons of virgins and impregnated them all, of course, being the avatar of male potency and virility — from ‘vir’ (‘male’), related to ‘virtue,’ ‘virtuosity,’ ‘virago’ (admirable maleness in a woman), virgin (autonomous, self-sufficient, unto his or herself, chaste and noble like a man) — in multiple sneaky Divine Trickster Rapist forms.
Dios Pater came as a swan to rape Leda and begat the Dioscurii, as a bull to rape Europa, as a shower of gold to rape Danae, etc., etc., ad nauseum, providing the requisite divine justification and authority for the Cattle Cult lifestyle of patriarchal Greeks and their successors, exonerating the violences of invasion, raiding, warfaring and rapine and acting as a prophylactic against the ‘pollution’ of blood guilt and contamination — what Christians call ‘sin.’