PinnedConservatives’ Compulsive Cognitive Culture of ‘No’“Today’s Republican Party is the most nihilistic and dangerous political force I’ve ever seen.” (Michael Vincent Hayden, retired United…Aug 28, 2022Aug 28, 2022
PinnedTerror, Awe, Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide in the Old TestamentYahweh was originally a storm, mountain, and war god. Sometimes portrayed with a cock’s head, coiling serpent legs, and a lightning bolt…Aug 20, 2022Aug 20, 2022
PinnedNegotiating the Contested Psychological Territories of Cyber WarfareChristopher Wylie is the coder who created the algorithm that made Cambridge Analytica and AggregateIQ psychographic profiling firms (the…Dec 29, 2019Dec 29, 2019
Caste Systems, East and WestThe only people who want to keep the caste system in America are those who are at the top of it. The only people who want to deny, ignore…Dec 11Dec 11
Trump’s Stable of White Christian WomenI’ve been pondering the question of how (predominantly White) women who identify as Christian can possibly support Trump in the face of his…Dec 4Dec 4
The Diametrically Opposed States of AmericaThe Orange Rapist was elected by the men of America and their toxic male-identified shills — White, Black and Hispanic — in a toxic…Nov 6Nov 6
Bill Barr, God’s Little Soldier (and Trump’s Eternal Boy)Pundits are falling all over themselves trying to explain why Bill Barr, after debasing himself before Trump, then describing the disgraced…Apr 20Apr 20
Mugshots of the Some of the More Infamous Founders of Modern ReligionsThese mini-portraits provide evidence of the constructed nature of some of the ‘religions’ receiving tax-exempt status in the United States…Apr 16Apr 16
Great Asherah, the Tree of LifeJehovah (‘Ja-Ho-Va-Heh’) was married to the still more ancient deity, Asherah, who was present on ancient Hebrew altars in the form of the…Apr 1Apr 1